Ladies’ Bridge Tournament Thursday October 25th, 2018 Fawn Lake Harbor Club All levels of play are welcome It’s time for another friendly ladies bridge tournament. Please join your friends for a day of party bridge and lunch. All are welcome! Please arrive at 9:45 a.m, so that we may begin playing at 10:00am sharp. This will give us a few minutes to meet, greet and pass out tallies. Lunch will be served at 11:30am and include a beverage, dessert, tax and service charge. The cost is $16.50. Play will resume after lunch and conclude by 3:00pm. A $2 registration fee will be collected at the door. Prize money will be awarded to the top scorers in a variety of categories. For reservations please call or email Judy Thompson (home: 540.972.3757 or cell/text: 703.209.2308 or by October 19th. Reservations will be taken by club. If you are not a club member, you may pay on the day of the tournament with cash or credit card. Questions? Please call Judy Thompson at 540-972-3757. See you at the bridge table! |

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