FLMG Match 6

Sweet 16 Event # 6 Format: Modified Stableford (NET) Scoring: Par = 1, Birdie = 2, Eagle or better = 3 (all balls count) Handicap Allowance - 90% Fawn Lake Points - Yes Sweet 16 Points - Yes NOTE-Entry fee for each FLMG event is $25. Payouts to the top teams will be determined based

Take Out Tuesday

Between 5pm and 9pm, take 15% off your carry out order!

LGA 18 Hole

Format: Par 3's and Par 5's Count scores on all Par 3's and Par 5's Cost: $5 Sign-up and/or cancellation deadline for Wednesday play is 2pm Tuesday. The sign-up/cancellation deadline for for Play & Stays (P&S) (Season Opener, Mid-Season, Closing Day) is Thursday, 5pm prior to the event.

MVSGA (Away)

Fawn Lake at Regency Gold

Take Out Tuesday

Between 5pm and 9pm, take 15% off your carry out order!

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