Tennis Lessons, Classes & Clinics

If you’re interested in improving your game, check out one of our regular lessons or clinics for in-depth instruction on how to step up your play. We offer a variety of youth and adult classes like cardio tennis, adult and youth clinics, and team practices to promote the fun and fitness that comes along with tennis. This sport is a great way to spend time with family and enhance your lifestyle.

Join us for:

  • Opening Day and Closing Day ceremonies
  • Adult Mixers with other clubs
  • Breakfast at Wimbledon play and stay brunch
  • Member-Guest Tournament
  • Club Championship Open and Senior brackets for Men, Women, and Mixed
  • Thursday Night Doubles Jamboree
  • Day trips to Washington Kastles and Citi Open

We offer a variety of instructional programs including:

  • Private and Semi-Private Lessons
  • Cardio Tennis
  • Stroke of the Day Clinic
  • Doubles Strategy Clinics
  • Custom Clinics

Adult Clinics

Cardio Tennis Clinic: 1 Hour Clinic

Drills and games are designed to promote movement, fun, and learning. Emphasis is on aerobic exercise. As much instruction as possible is offered, while still allowing for a fast-paced, flowing clinic.

Private Individual & Group Lessons

Outside of our open lesson offering, private and individual group lessons may be formed. Pick your group, your topic of instruction, your day and time.

Ball Machine Drills: 1 Hour Clinic

Hit hundreds of balls under the supervision of FLCC Tennis Director, Brian Ratzlaff USPTA. Emphasis is on technique, sound footwork and conditioning. Class is designed for players 3.0 and above.

Adult Clinic/Drill: 1 Hour Clinic

A different stroke will be emphasized each week. After a brief warm-up period, drills on that stroke will be introduced, followed by point or match play.

Beginner/Advanced Beginner: 1 Hour Clinic

The fundamentals of groundstrokes, volleys and serves are introduced. Players will begin point play and review the fundamental rules of play. Keep it Simple!!! Keep it FUN!!!

Youth Tennis

From their first time stepping on the court through advanced play, the Fawn Lake Country Club youth tennis program features a progression of lessons and classes that support each age level. Players ages 5-8 begin in our Quick Start and Little Tennis classes then progress to Beginner, Intermediate, Varsity, and High Performance/Tournament Drill classes as they meet core competencies.

Players can supplement their instruction with our match play opportunities, which include, beginner round-robins, followed by our Junior Team Tennis League. Experienced players may choose to enter one of the USTA sanctioned tournaments hosted at Fawn Lake Country Club each summer.

Our youth tennis program includes:

  • Opening Day and Closing Day ceremonies
  • Friday Night Junior Socials
  • USTA L7 Junior Tournaments
  • Private and Semi-Private Lessons
  • Camps, clinics and lessons
  • Junior Golf & Tennis Camps (all day or half day options)
  • Custom Clinics

Our tennis pro is happy to work with your family in placing your child in the clinic best suited to their skills. Ready to play? Contact Tennis Director today.

Youth Clinics

10 & Under Clinic: 45 Minutes (Red Ball)

Red balls are larger than a traditional ball and are designed to bounce lower and move slower. Drills, activities, and games are designed to keep the participants excited about the new game. KEEP IT SIMPLE … KEEP IT FUN!!!

12 & Above Clinic: 1.5 Hour (Yellow Ball)

Drills, activities and games will evoke competitive experience, in a light and fun atmosphere. Movement, stroke production and fun are emphasized. Tactical and technical aspects are employed to help create thinking players. Players in this group should consider entering tournaments or school team play.

10 & Under Clinic: 1 Hour (Orange Ball)

Orange balls bounce higher, move a little faster than the red balls; green balls more than orange balls. Drills, activities, and games are designed to increase the skill level of these young players, while keeping things fun and interesting. Emphasis is on movement, fun & stroke production, with the goal of introducing the player to match play.

Tournament Prep Clinic: 1.5 Hour (Yellow Ball)

This is a high-intensity training group for USTA tournament players 12+ and high-school players. This group will focus on all aspects of the game: mental toughness, physical conditioning, technique, and tennis I.Q. Players will push themselves to reach their peak potential in a fun, team-like atmosphere. Players in this group are strongly encouraged to play regularly in USTA tournaments and on their school teams.

Friday Night Junior Social: 2 Hours (Fridays 6:00-8:00 PM)

This popular weekly event is designed to get as many children as possible out having fun and socializing with each other through the medium of tennis. The social event includes fun games and activities with chances to win prizes. Pizza and drinks will be served for dinner with popsicles or candy after. Bonus for parents: Our Friday Night Junior Social gives you ample time to enjoy a night out at the Harbor Club with friends.