2022 Board of Directors

Don Pressley – Chairman
Phil Basso – Vice-Chairman
Matt DeZee – Secretary
Dennis Tosh – Treasurer
Jim Bost
Keith Armstrong

Board-O-Gram 2022-12

Fellow Members,

Due to the Annual Meeting of the Members being held in November, we are never able to provide you with a financial picture that covers our full fiscal year (January 1 to December 31).  The work -around has been to compare financials from October to October, but that has been an awkward review just to meet a deadline that may have been appropriate in the past but seems no longer necessary now.  In addition to the financial picture, there are capital projects that won’t be completed until the end of the year, and plans for the new year that we want to be able to describe in more detail than possible just yet.
Accordingly, we have decided to amend the By-Laws to plan the Annual Meeting of the Members to be held on the first Tuesday in February.  This will give us time to prepare the fully reviewed financial statement and to describe in a little more detail the results of 2022 operations as well as to present our vision for our anticipated continued growth.
We hope this is not an inconvenient adjustment for any of you.  We will continue to keep you updated on developments of note during the year via these Board O’Grams and through the General Manager’s monthly report.  As always, we welcome your feedback and views at countryclubboard@fawnlakecc.com.
Your Country Club Board

11305 Longstreet Drive | Spotsylvania, VA 22551 | Phone: (540) 972-6200 | www.fawnlakecc.com

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